Friday, June 24, 2011

       We all're not alone
A friend of mine messaged me on Facebook and it really touched my heart. I would describe what she said but it's just better if I show you.      
                                                   Read below            

7:24pm Friday, June 24

  Joanna Haich
hey so i just read some of your blog
    Roberto Escobar
hey lol
thanks for reading
    Joanna Haich
and i was in a funk today cuz i just wanna kill myself over tennis! but this, this entry
that just helped me alot, made me realize why i do it, so thank you
the Welcome to my life entry
    Roberto Escobar
this means a lot
    Joanna Haich
and it meant a lot to me, i actually just got in a fight with my dad an hr ago about how i want to be normal, go out party, stay out till 3 am, and then i realized i cant, because im an athlete. becasue we choose to be athletes
our choice no one elses
    Roberto Escobar
im speechless
im just happy that it made you realize why you love tennis and why we keep going at it
we get the rewards
but we pay to get those rewards, with time and sacrifices
    Joanna Haich
true. sacrifice yes, oh its sucks but we hope to get something better out of it
     Roberto Escobar
is it ok if i put thise convo on my blog
    Joanna Haich
go ahead
    Roberto Escobar
thanks, no law suit lolol
    Joanna Haich
i saw ur post about it to check it out and i was like might as well give it a try read it all, its really good, and i want to say good job on everything you are doing also
    Roberto Escobar
Thanks, your words mean soo much. you have no idea how much you have motivated me
my parents sorta suport me but they dont encourage me or pay for stuff so i do all this on my own
and to hear this from another athlete it means alot
    Joanna Haich
same here. my parentschip in when they can but its all so expensive i dont have a coach i train on my own. it also helps alot when you know and talk to other athletes going through similar stuggles
    Roberto Escobar
Well thats why its called a dream and not a reality
we hope to make it our reality, and i like the fact that its not easy. without the struggle you dont appreciate it
    Joanna Haich
im sharing your blog on my tumblr. lol others need this also
    Roberto Escobar
lol thank you sooo much
I will be on top of my blog so check it out, imy goal is just to inspire people
I know how it feels to lack motivation, hate it!
    Joanna Haich
i know total bummer! and i will! i already bookmarked ur blog on my comp! haha
im printing out that entry and putting it on my wall
    Roberto Escobar
i dont what to say
never thought i would inspire even though that is my goal
to be honest some people read my blog but no one says anything and i just keep typing hoping some one will notice and enjoy it
I'm just happy you have
    Joanna Haich
you always reach people in different ways thats what i believe
    Roberto Escobar
yeah, as long as your passionate in what you do, you will reach ppl through FB or BLOG or just talking to people on the street
Joanna thanks for letting me know
made a world of a difference
     Joanna Haich
NO! thank you for writing that, and posting it, it made a difference for me. a big one
    Roberto Escobar
Just passing the passion around
check out the next post coming up soon, your in it
    Joanna Haich 
ahha okay! awesome


                 You don't get that everyday. Her being inspired by my words inspired me. When she messaged me I was speechless. Wasn't sure what to say. 


           More and more I realize I am not the only one out there. Honestly there is not one triathlete my age in a 20 mile radius that I know of. And what about serious athletes? Well I can count those with one hand. I'm not the only one chasing my dream. There are other people out there willing to commit to make it happen! 

Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! 

                                           Keep pushing!  Keep struggling!

You are not alone! When people say you can't follow your dreams because you do not have the talent......Smile 
When they say you don't look like an athlete because you don't have those six pack abs......Smile
When you share your passion and they say thats impossible.....Smile

SMILE     because you will turn your back on those people and say Screw you! Leave more determined than ever. Prove them wrong, show them that you believe in yourself. Accomplish your dream because you love what you do. All they will do when they see you accomplish it is shut up and continue there normal lives. Those people do not have the courage to chase their dreams like we do. 

                       Continue forward > Struggle > Inspire> Push> Accomplish

                           Chasing dreams! Its what we do

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