I wish I knew how to start this blog off. I usually have something that inspires me to write. But not today.
Today something happened that blew my mind. I was with a buddy of mine watching some T.V. Some commercials came up and I said something. My buddy started to laugh................I didn't laugh.
I remarked something that I was going to do. I guess to my friend it was impossible for me to accomplish it.
Conclusion----------> Anger. Frustration. More anger.
It has been a while since someone has told me I can not accomplish something. Reason why I have kicked those people out of my life. No need to have negative influences in my life. Something either takes you closer to your goal or farther. Nothing in your life will influence you to stay in the same line. Remember when you hang out with x person that likes to drink every day and hang out late will either take you closer to your goal or farther. We all have our weaknesses. It can be a person, thing, food, or place.
PERSON- Be careful who you hang out with. Choose your friends wisely. Friends are people that truly care about you and push you to become successful. Someone that will pace you on their bike for 2 hours while you are running is a true friend. Someone that invites you to hang out every night just because they are "bored" is not, especially after you tell them you have to wake up early to train. Remember there are people who prove the quote "misery loves company."
Thing - Personally I can not own a video game system. Why? I would be playing Call of Duty every day, all day. I love video games but I love to train more. Sacrifices has to be made. Some people have self control and play once a week. But not me. Everyone has different weaknesses. Pay attention to them. After you find it, FIX IT! Eliminate it. Sacrifice it. Throw it in the garage. If it doesn't take you closer to your goal, it takes you .........farther.
Food - This is a biggy. EVERYONE eats. Most of us enjoy it a bit too much. Haagan Daz Ice cream kills me. Cookies and cream to be precise. Love it! I can eat it every day starting from breakfast to midnight snack. Solution? I keep it as far away from me as I can, or at least I try. Sometimes it isn't easy to spot what is our food "enemy." It can be that we drink soda or juice with every meal. Let's think about this. If we drink 2 cups worth of juice, that have 100 calories per cup, with every meal we are consuming....calculating..... 600 calories per day. That is equivalent to another meal, a little over a big mac. WATCH what you eat. Literally look at what you eat.....turn it upside down.....open it up......shake it.... and ask yourself "Does this take me closer to my goal?"
Place - Bars. Clubs. Park. Your house. Friend's house. Work. Reading these places I have mentioned must be a bit confusing. The first two are understandable. The rest are like "Whaa?" My house is very comfortable. I have a couch you would fall asleep in minutes. The wall colors are very pleasant to look at, but does not motivate anyone to go run. People have walked into my house and have asked "how do you not sleep all day." Park? When I go to the park the last thing I think about is running. I play handball with some buddies. Handball does not help my training. Some days I decide to chat it up with my brother. I go to his job. I always end up overstaying my visit and missing some workouts for the day. Analyze what places you go to that motivate you to reach your goal. It can be the gym. Maybe a running track. Trails are beautiful to run on. Follow those places in your daily routine. These places will take you closer to your dream and your success.
Going back to my friend that laughed at me. Now that got me pissed. I will take that negativity and put it into my workouts tomorrow. Something positive has been born from something negative. I have made it that way.......Why?
"Does this take me closer to winning a triathlon? Does this take me closer to placing in my age group next year in the NYC Ironman?"
Ask yourself " Does this take me closer to _____________________"
A) breaking my PR
B) Wining the race
C) being a happier person
D) *CUSTOM ANSWER* FIll the blank
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