Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday, 04 October 2011

I will begin to start posting my training everyday. Sort of a diary. I hope my buddies will be reading this to get updated with my training. I'm pretty sure they will. They enjoy seeing me get tortured(lol).

I will be posting workouts with pictures and data. Anything I have done in the outdoors I will be measuring it with my Garmin watch. I will post a link to the data itself. Pictures are worth more than a million words, but while I'm working out the last thing on my mind is taking a picture. I'll do my best to get them here.

                           Head quarters

These are some pictures of my "head quarters" or better known as my room.

                     Long Term Calendar: I can see how many months until my "A" race

                     Bulletin board: Magazine cutouts - stretching plan

                          "Desktop": calendar - training schedule - books - magazine - training diary

                          "Garage" : My road bike and tri bike - mirror to workout

               Trigger Point therapy: What keeps me running, literally!

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