Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Help me make my dream come true

                         Dreams. We all have them.

 Bus driver.

     Mine is to become a professional triathlete. Sounds a bit scary when I write it out. And it's scarier when I admit it to people. To be honest I never admit this. People ask me "what do you want to do in life Rob?"  I try to pull something out my butt. "umm thinking about radiologist, or a personal trainer at a gym... not sure." You have read my confession. Feel special :)

                                    "Rob what is your dream?"
                                    " I wanna become a professional triathlete."
                                    " You wanna swim, ride your bike around, and run laps to make a living?"

     I have done a few triathlons. I raced one two weeks ago and I won my age group (from 20-24). I was very proud of the trophy I received. It was the "icing on the cake" to all the training I have committed.

     Last year I did the Ironman Florida 70.3. This Ironman race is half the distance of a full Ironman race. I did OK....I pulled my hamstring on mile 35 of the bike leg. I barely could pedal. I was flying by people holding 23 MPH in my aero bars. All of a sudden I felt a discomfort in my upper right hamstring. Eventually, TEAR! Yupp that was my hamstring being ripped. My speed dropped to 10 MPH. My face showed the pain I was in. Racers were passing me and asking if I was fine and all I yelled was " YEAH! THANK YOU!" Even though I was crying under my sunglasses. Looking down and letting my left leg do all the pedaling was a struggle. I was just rolling. When I arrived at T2 my bike was hung on the rack and I saw my dad cheering. While I was walking to him to tell him that I'm dropping out he screamed "YOU'RE DOING GOOD! DON'T STOP" (btw this was said with a spanish accent) I turned around and looked at the floor. Tears would roll down my cheeks. I began to trot. 13.1 miles later I finished the Half Ironman. A medal was given to me and I hugged my Father, Sister, and my two nephews. My eyes were dried up of all the crying I did on the race course. Thank God for sunglasses!

     This is the part where you can help me get a step closer to making my dream come true. 

     The IRONMAN race is coming to NYC next year. This was announced yesterday. It was a surprise for everyone. The beauty of this race is that I won't have to pay for airfare or hotel (just can't afford it). This is my hometown and I know the course and I will be able to train on it. I would like to break 10 hours but I might be getting overly ambitious. These races run around $550- $600. But because the company organizing these events know that people would love to race in NYC they hiked up the price. They have announced that it will run our wallets at least $750 to $1,000. This might sound ridiculous and it is but I have to pay this up to make my dream come true. 

Support me please

If you can help me out by co-sponsoring me it would be awesome. If you are a stranger or a friend just email me at or message me on facebook. If you have a buck laying around I'll go pick it up wherever you are at, or if you have $500, that works too :)
Registration opens next week June 15, 2011 (wednesday) and they expect it to sell out that same day. So please let me know before that time if you can help. Thank you for reading this and even wishing to help me out. Follow your dreams, and when it gets hard, chase it down!

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 and always check updates on my blog

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